Friday, June 6, 2008

Great Football Logo's

While watching the ending of the Brewers game (DVR), I checked my email to see if my pen pal from Laos wrote me. He likes to take tabs of acid and shoot me emails describing his visuals. One can only imagine tripping balls in Southeast Asia. Anyways....While checking my yahoo email, I noticed this feature: had a great story on great football helmet logos. So I clicked on it. It was great. Some of these are just great, especially The Iowa Barnstormers helmet, which looks like Snoopy w/ goggles on.

They did rank Indy and Green Bay near the top, giving them credit for never changing their logo. This one below, takes a stab at their logo by using "clip art", made famous by MacDraw from the 80's. Funny stuff. This was an AFL team from the 90's (early).

Just a good read or "visual". I used to design new uniforms/colors on helmets and jerseys when I was bored in grade school (designed shoes as shoes). I covered my work in fear that someone would think I liked men (no diss, just not for me). I wish I held on to some of them.

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