Friday, May 16, 2008

Midwest Airlines gets help from the good Lord...

Midwest Airlines, which is under new ownership, really dropped the ball today when they did not anticipate the swarm of Brewer fans traveling to Boston to catch the rare glimpse of this inter-league series. They had delays and diverted flights all day today. Lucky for them the game was rescheduled for tomorrow afternoon. So now, the lovely fans of Milwaukee (who love to drink) will have a full day of boozing ahead of them watching a split game, double header! Meaning will have to empty the park and go SOMEWHERE while they prep the park for the evening game, much to the welcomed joy of Boston taverns that surround Fenway. The adoring beermen who patrol the grounds will hardly be able to sleep tonight due to tomorrow's anticipated day..Record Sales=Tips!

Plus, Brewer fans may get a rare glimpse of Manny entering his favorite gay bar!


Since it's a rain out....
Below are some youtube videos I took back in 2005-06.

There you go

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